воскресенье, 24 апреля 2016 г.

Facebook Groups for Android

Facebook Groups - app from the popular social network Facebook, which allows you to comfortably view all the groups in one place. Just engage in discussion, planning and cooperation, without being distracted by extraneous cases and matters of course, keep track of your groups is possible and using the client network, but with Facebook Groups, it is much more practical and easier.

here you will be able to create any groups of different subjects, share interesting information, publish your photos and links to join new groups. When creating groups, you set its visibility"":

  • secret - only members can find a group and see the publication,
  • closed - everyone can find a group and see participants, but only members have access to publications,
  • affordable all -any user sees a group of participants and reads the publication.

in General, Facebook Groups- this is a great solution for families, teams, training and work, socializing with friends, etc., where you can share photos, post announcements, to report breaking news, working on a common project, etc.

Facebook Groups for Android

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