среда, 25 мая 2016 г.

Primary documents 6.0

primary documents - the program is designed to automate the process of discharge authorizations, payment orders, receipts, cash orders, invoices, bills of lading, invoices, price lists, cash disbursement orders, envelopes, ads on cash, receipts, receipts, travel certificates, text documents, incoming invoices, acts of decommissioning and receipts to the account automatically logs all documents ( that can be printed for any period of time ). The program also allows you to write documents from several organizations and in different currencies. The program's interface is convenient and simple. it training will not take You for more than one day.
In addition to the local version of the program there is a client-server version , which can be downloaded from here 2.6 MB)
How to properly install and configure a client-server version of the program you can read on the website of software developer.

Primary documents 6.0

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